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GSA Election Results

It is with pleasure I announce the following office bearers of the inaugural ELCE Graduate Students' Association (GSA)

President: Syed Quadri, MASc Year 1
VP-Academic Rep.: Mahdi Sabri, MASc Year 1
VP-Communications Rep.: Kristofer Bitner, MASc Year 1
Advisory Committee: Yuhong Wang, MASc Year 2
Ali Meysamian, MASc Year 1
Serhat Erkucuk, MASc Year 2

Congratulations to all of them. I hope and wish that ELCE GSA will foster better interaction between grad students and faculty members, among students through the organization of frequent learning and social events.

Sri Krishnan, PhD, PEng
Program Director, Graduate Studies

Last modified: Tuesday, 14-Jul-2015 18:07:11 EDT